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In the News

I Witness Easter Edition - 2023


I Witness Newsletter
Previous Editions

Parish Moves ‘From Lament to Hope’

August 19, 2014

Every second Friday around noon, there is a flurry of meaningful activity at St. Thomas Anglican Church in Thunder Bay, Ont. Tables are sent up, a barbecue is started and the doors of the church are opened wide. 


About 50 people come for a free and delicious lunch; they are also offered a bag of nutritious food and encouraged to visit rooms in the church where they can pick out clothing, pet supplies and toys.

Indigenous Christmas Gospel Jamboree Held in Thunder Bay

February 01, 2015

On December 5-7, 2014, a gathering of ap- proximately 500-600 people attended St. Mi- chael and All Angels Anglican, Thunder Bay for a ministry of praise, worship and song, to celebrate and herald in the Christmas Season. It was a gathering of all Indigenous Nations and peoples, under the leadership of Bishop Mark MacDonald, National Indigenous Bishop A.C.C., Bishop Lydia Mamakwa, Area Minis- try of Mishamikoweesh, and Bishop Stephen Andrews, Diocese of Algoma. 

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